Optical Plasma Spectroscopy CubeSat (OPS-Cube) Mission
Concept of Operations
Mission Objectives
P-MO-1: Verify in-space efficacy of a modified, commercial off-the-shelf optical emission spectrometer as a sensor capable of collecting accurate electric propulsion plasma plume emission light intensity as a function of wavelength.
P-MO-2: Assess range of feasible orbit lighting conditions and spacecraft attitude states for optical emission spectroscopy data collection where ambient light saturation and environmental noise can be mitigated.
P-MO-3: Test in-space utility of a commercial off-the-shelf pulsed plasma thruster to enable orbital maneuvers for a CubeSat.
S-MO-1: Contribute on-orbit electric propulsion plasma emission data towards the facility testing effects debate within the electric propulsion community.
S-MO-2: Offer systems engineering and interdisciplinary education for students at WMU
S-MO-3: Further develop spacecraft engineering facilities and resources at WMU and create more educational opportunities for students.
Success Criteria
M-SC-1: OPS-Cube shall identify propellant species from a plasma thruster using optical emission spectroscopy from an on-orbit platform (P-MO-1, P-MO-2, S-MO-1).
F-SC-1: OPS-Cube shall identify relative ion number density and electron temperature using current vs. voltage data obtained from a Langmuir probe within the plasma plume from an on-orbit platform (P-MO-1, P-MO-2, S-MO-1).
F-SC-2: OPS-Cube shall perform a measurable orbit change maneuver using a plasma thruster (P-MO-3).